How Oils Work: Consistency is Key

The very best way to get the most out of your oils is to use them all. the. time.

Oils work differently than medications. They are not meant to fix a symptom, though they can absolutely do that. They are meant to influence the body's systems to be it's fully functional best self.
By applying your oils every day, or diffusing them every day, or ingesting them everyday, or a combination of all three, you can will profoundly affect your health and wellness. 

For example, if you're looking for assistance winding down in the evenings so that you can calm your brain or quiet the mind, so that you're able to fall asleep with ease Lavender and Cedarwood are great oils to try. Now, these oils do not work like a sleep aid that you'd buy at a drugstore. Instead, apply your Lavender and Cedarwood to the bottoms of your feet and perhaps the back of your neck every night. Additionally, diffuse these two oils in your bedroom as your falling asleep (and if you're using a Young Living diffuser you know that it'll automatically shut off). Do this every single night for a week and see what happens! Continue to do this routine. Maybe it takes longer than a week. Your body is changing naturally. It's not being forced to sleep like an OTC product. 
Stay the course and be consistent by applying your oils. 

A great trick to staying consistent is to keep your oils where you use them!

I keep certain oils in my bathroom so they're handy when I'm getting ready. I keep certain oils in my kids rooms so I can apply them to their feet/spine/neck at night time. I keep most of my oils downstairs near my living room and kitchen because that's where we spend most of our time. And I keep a few oils in the laundry room so I can quickly apply them to our wool dryer balls when I'm doing laundry. I'm pretty sure I have about 4 bottles of Lavender in use throughout my house at all times. 

This is my very best advice to keep oils top of mind and easy to use.

And lastly, If you're not seeing the results you were hoping for, try another oil. Again, in the instance of sleep, many people prefer Peace & Calming (my kids included), Lavender & Frankincense is another great choice (both are starter kit oils too). Valor orNorthern Lights Black Spruce are great choices as well. 
Every body is different.  

Perhaps there is a larger issue going on that needs to be addressed. What's the source of your sleeplessness: Is it pain? Is it anxiety? Is it a chronic issue that you just tackle? Rest assured, there are oils for all of those things that keep us awake at night.  Not sure which oils to use? I can help you with that. The person who got you started with oils can help you! If you're not sure, email me and I'll help you find that person, or I'll be your person! :)

I'd encourage you to reach for your oils open-heartedly and with intention.


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