Wellness Resolutions

Yes, time to hit the reset button and make changes that benefit our bodies and minds.
Young Living is the perfect place to support those changes. I wanted to share a few areas of focus for our wellness game this year, but before I do I thought it would be important for you to know a few things first...

1. I'm a research Nerd, with a heavy emphasis on the science/chemistry data. These topics really float my boat and it's THE reason that I started using Young Living products and essential oils in the first place. Some things you just can't UN-KNOW: examples, toxic chemicals throughout our home and in our personal care products and the harm that they cause, ways to heal our bodies using plants on the inside and outside, how to stay well rather than ill by simply being consistent with our oils. And so much more. SO much more.

2 As a reformed skeptic, I can attest to the power of essential oils 100%. What it really comes down to is that you just have to try them. Just try them and see how they can affect your life in so many lovely ways. I can talk for days about how and why they work, but when you actually feel the empowerment of taking your wellness into your own hands (and seeing the results!), you'll never look back.

3. Like so many others, I have experienced some amazing wellness wins by slowly removing the toxins from our home and by using Young Living oils, and I know that I've only scratched the surface here. 2017 was enlightening, inspiring and eye-opening and from what I've learned I can't wait to grow from it and share it with you!

So ... Now that you know where I'm coming from, here's where we'll be leaning in to our wellness game in 2018:

  • Plants on the inside, plants on the outside: We'll use food as our medicine and our fuel and own the mindset that our food either "Fights a Disease or Feeds One." (read: Sugar
  • Continue to rid our household of toxic chemicals: we've made big changes already, but there are more to come starting with plastic. No. More. Plastic. Secondly we'll be adding a Berkey water filter. I'll skip the lecture; this water filter is the real deal. (I told you I'm a research nerd).
  • Up our supplement game: My husband and I currently take a B supplement and 5000IUs of D, a plant based multi-vitamin, and Life 9 probiotic (and Inner Defense a few times a week). Our  kids take a plant based multi-vitamin with Omegas and an additional 1000IUs of D daily. A few supplements that I will be trying this year: 
    • Ningxia is a must. We've drank Ningxia sporadically, but after NOT drinking Ningxia I noticed a real difference. Ningxia will be a regular on our ER order for sure. 
    • Sulferzyme, Mindwise, Omegagize and MegaCal are next on the list. 

Now let me ask you! What are your wellness goals for 2018? 
Are you making big changes this year or have you already hit a great wellness stride? I would love to hear your stories and what has worked well for you or where you're looking for support. 2017 was the year that I learned that feeling run-down and tired and bored and generally groggy does not need to be the norm. There's a better way. Have you already learned this? Is 2018 the year you figure this out?

I'm looking forward to sharing with you and growing our community! Here are a few things to look forward to:

More DIYs: Personal Care product replacements, roller blends to support all sorts of body systems and emotional needs, gift ideas.

Interviews with other oily users: How others are using their oils (and what they're using) to support themselves and their family's needs

Top FAQ's about oil safety, how to use them, which oils to use, and more. Education is freedom and an absolute must for getting the most out of our oils.


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