Sick Kid Oily Protocol

My boys woke up sick. Full on sick.
Not just a runny nose, but full. on. sick.

I kept them home from school and reached for the oils, but I knew that we needed to boost up our immunity game. Thieves was going to be a part of this oily regimen, but I wanted to bust out the full arsenal.

Fortunately, we stay pretty healthy so I haven't had to 'bust out the big guns'. When I feel like I'm coming down with something I can reach for an Inner Defense supplement or ingest a drop of Thieves. I will put diluted Thieves on my kids feet regularly, if not daily during this sesason, but I've been slacking lately.

Since my kiddos have succumbed to the bug I wanted to go the topical route  and needed some help determining the right mix of oils and ratios. Thank God for our oily community. I really does take a village, amiright?

I reached out to my friend and oily mama Mallory, who helped me figure out the right dilution ratios for my kiddos. Here's what we made:

In a 15ML bottle
15 drops Lemon
10 drops Thieves
10 drops Frankincense
3 drops Oregano
Topped off with Fractionated Coconut Oil and put a roller fitment on the top.
Shake well before each use

* My kids are 2.5 and 5 years old. 
Step 1: I rolled this up and down their spine and on the bottoms of their feet.

Step 2:  I diluted 50/50 Lemon and coconut oil and rubbed down their lymphatics (behind the ears and down the neck and armpits). This aids in draining out mucous.

Step 3: Lastly, I diluted 50/50 RC with coconut oil and rubbed it on their chests and back (over their lungs, basically).

We repeat this protocol every hour or two. The more times the better while they're really suffering and "working through it." Watch any for skin sensitivity (oregano is a "hot" oil), though it's unlikely because it's so highly diluted. 

Friends, this is why I started using Young Living oils. I wanted the option to proactively provide preventative care to my family.
 We don't have to just mindlessly suffer, nor do we need to watch our kiddos suffer. We can grab our oils, grab our community, lift each other up and help our people. I'm grateful for my oily mamas who teach and share and help me along the way!


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