Northern Lights Black Spruce

I've been using this oil more than anything else lately, and it's surprised me!
Of course NLBS is so so lovely in the diffuser during this time of year. I like to blend it with Orange and Frankincense. It's also wonderful with Christmas Spirit, or Joy.
What has surpised me is that I've been applying this topically when I'm feeling tense or to my kids when they need to settle down. And I'm a fan. I looked in to this oil a little bit and found some interesting reasons why this oil is so beneficial...
- Did you know that NLBS is the first ingredient in Valor? Valor is a blend that promotes all those calm, cool and collected feelings, and can really positively affect one's emotional wellness.
- It's high in constituents alpha-pinene, camphene, and beta-pinene (Google those if you're curious how those help the body).
- NLBS comes from Young Living's farm in British Colombia and it's oil is distilled from the entire tree, not just the branches and needles ensuring the maximum theraputic benefits.
- It's also a key ingredient in my Happy Mama blend which I wear every day: Joy, Orange and NLBS and provides a wonderful, earthy base note.
This is a great oil to add to the collection. It's incredibly versatile and a great one to have handy this time of year!
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