DIY Dry Shampoo

I have been out of dry shampoo for I don't know how long, and decided to try making my own. Honestly, I had really low expectations, but after not washing my hair for three days, I was lazy enough to whip up a batch instead of washing my hair. It totally reminded me of my girlfriends and I using baby powder in high school... did you ever do that? We certainly know better than to use baby powder now, but we thought we were so clever back then :)

I followed a recipe that I found on the YL blog here and adjusted my oils slightly but otherwise followed their recipe exactly. I chose Tea Tree, Peppermint and Lavender, and they recommended Cedarwood, Rosemary and Tea Tree. (PS... Lavender, Rosemary and Cedarwood are great oils for boosting hair growth.)

Most dry shampoos really irritate my scalp and are usually filled with some nasty chemicals (which also helps them to do what they're supposed to do). The best dry shampoo I've used is so dang expensive and the ingredients are for sure not plant based...So this is a great alternative. I'd give it a solid A rating for effectiveness, and an A+ for scent, toxin free chemicals, and price.  My honest review is that it totally did the trick. It absorbed the oil and was dark enough to match my dark brown roots. I recommend putting it on your hands first, rubbing them together, then rubbing them through your hair starting at the scalp. Also, it lasted the entire day and didn't feel the need to 'reapply'. 


¼ cup cornstarch
1 tablespoon baking soda
4 drops Tea Tree essential oil
4 drops Lavender essential oil
2 drop Peppermint essential oil
2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder, for dark hair only


Combine all ingredients.
Put in a container of your choice, such as an empty salt shaker (I used an empty spice container)
Sprinkle on roots of hair and massage into scalp. (I put it in my hands first, then rubbed it through my hair)
Leave for 2–3 minutes to absorb hair’s natural oils.
Brush through hair.

This is a great little beauty staple!


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