Active & Fit Kit

I was placing my monthly ER order and I realized that many of the products I was ordering come in the Active & Fit Kit, so I just order that one kit instead and saved boatloads of money! 
This kit is a perfect addition to the medicine cabinet. You can use these products to soothe sore muscles and joints, provide some relief to tense shoulders after a long day, and maybe kick a headache that's been brewing for a while.

The kit comes with the following products:

  • Nylon carrying case with seven interior mesh pockets, an exterior pocket, and a carabiner
  • Cool Azul™ Sports Gel, 3.4 oz.
  • Deep Relief™ essential oil blend, 5 ml
  • R.C.™ essential oil blend, 5 ml
  • Thieves® essential oil blend, 5 ml
  • Copaiba essential oil, 5 ml
  • Peppermint Vitality™ essential oil, 5 ml
  • 3 AromaGlide® roller fitments
  • Product information card
Honestly, with the wholesale discount, it's a steal at $85. If you were to buy Cool Azul sports gel alone it's  $39.75 (wholesale price). 

We've used the Deep Relief on temples and back of neck, the RC to open up the airways of the respitory system, the Cool Azul sports gel on sore/stiff muscles and joints, and Peppermint & Thieves are staples at our house. We'll never be without those, and we use them almost daily!


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