Oily Fun for Kiddos - DIY PLaydoh
The kids love the oil collection.
They love to take a whif of whatever I'm pulling out of the collection, they love to choose the scents we diffuse, and they get a kick out of making household cleaners (particularly watching vinegar and baking soda bubble up).
As a mama (and nanny!) it's really empowering to offer so many teachable moments about our health, wellness, and the environment.
I think the oily activity that my kids love the most is making homemade playdoh! Toxin free playdoh is great, but add a few drops of Young Living Oils and you have yourself an aromatherapy session at the kitchen counter! It's such a smell good, healthier option.
Here is the recipe I used (found on Pinterest, naturally):
2 cups All purpose flour
2 tbsp Cream of tartar
1 Food coloring - optional
1/2 cup Salt
5 drops Essential oil (Lavender, Lemon, Orange, and Peace & Calming are a few favorites)
2 tbsp Vegetable oil
1 1/2 cups Water
Mix the flour, salt, and cream of tarter together in a large bowl.
Combine your essential oil with the vegetable oil and mix into the dry ingredients.
Boil the water and add food coloring directly to water.
Pour 1 cup of your boiling water into the mixture and stir, adding the additional ½ cup slowly until desired consistency is reached.
Knead for 3-5 minutes or until dough is smooth and perfectly squishy for play.
So fun to make! So fun to play with!
When we're all done, we pack it up in an airtight container and it'll last us about two weeks.
Note: Our kids also know that oils are completely off limits unless mom or dad is around. We treat oils like the potent powerhouses that they are. You wouldn't want your kids messing around with the products in the medicine cabinet, right?
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