Buh-Bye Ants...

Confession... This is part of country living...

Every spring, I find more ants than I care to admit roaming around our house. It's so gross. I'm slightly embarrassed to admit it but it's true. And I have found an cure. I have found a natural, super-effective remedy to keep ants outside and from succumbing to their untimely death when found inside my home.


I tell you what, Lemon essential oil around the baseboards, thresholds and window sills is doing the trick. Turns out, Lemon is repulsive to insects. I put a little olive oil on a cotton ball then about 5 drops of lemon essential oil on the ball and rub the baseboards and thresholds and window sills down. It polishes the wood (bonus!) and makes the house smell fresh and clean, and most importantly it keeps the bugs out!

See, no toxic chemicals or insecticides needed here!

I've also read that other oils like Tea Tree, Peppermint, and other Citrus oils can be effective. I'll be sure to try those out also.

Anyway, I'm sure you don't have ants or bugs of any kind in your house, but just. in. case. I thought I'd share this little tip!


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