The Deal with Probiotics
If you have interest in health and wellness you have certainly become aware of the meaningful and detailed conversations about the gut and microbiome. Researchers and medical professionals are taking a closer look and the flora in our gut and the impact our gut health plays on the rest of our body system. Did you know that the majority of our immune system is housed in our gut?. One medical study points out that "One critical note is that the gut microbiota can regulate not only the local intestinal immune system but also can have a profound influence on systemic immune responses."
Taking a probiotic is a great way to repopulate your gut with healthy bacteria. Fermented foods are complementary to a good probiotic and can aid in digestion as well and we'll be looking at that in another post. Life 9 Probiotic is a great one because it has 9 strains of healthy gut-loving bacteria and 17 billion active live cultures. I take mine at night before bed so that it can work it's magic while digestion is at a low. Probiotics are for everyone, especially if you're using Thieves or Oregano essential oils or other product that have powerful immune boosting affects.

If you don't take a probiotic or are taking a probiotic with a low number of active live strains, I would encourage you to try Life 9. It's a great step in improving or starting a wellness rhythm.
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