Owie Roller Blend
I made this Owie Roller Blend to replace my over-the-counter wound spray. I was inspired by a friend who reached for her oils to quickly apply first aid to her sweet baby boy. (She grabbed Lavender & Copaiba, FYI...)
Here's the recipe that I used for a rollerblend:
Lavender // 10 drops
Frankincense // 5 drops
Copaiba // 5 drops
Tea Tree // 2 drops
Geranium // 2 drops
I topped this off with jojoba oil because its great for skin
(I also use jojoba oil on my face everyday with Frankincense instead of a traditional moisturizer lotion).
Next, I put on a Young Living roller fitment on top and off we go!
I'll keep this in my purse (aka, first aid kit) because inevitably we'll have scraped knee or a paper-cut or something traumatizing to young children.
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